Friday, December 7, 2007

absolutely everywhere

Well, today was my last day of "classes." Of course, on Fridays I only have practicum in the morning and no classes in the afternoon so it was pretty nice. Today was my last day of morning practicum! Next semester it will be in the afternoon.

I absolutely love the kids I'm working with. Today we actually got left alone with the students. Our mentor teacher had to get some stuff set up in the auditorium so Leah and I were it. Things went absolutely wonderfully.

For some reason I'm absolutely exhausted. I'm really ready for a break. This next week will be quite interesting though. I actually have to pretend somone is moving into my room and have half of my drawers cleaned out, half of my closet emptied, one of the desks emptied, half of the wall space cleared off, and one of the beds stripped. Not only do I have some major cleaning of my room to do but also all of the projects and stuff that's due. Hopefully I'll be able to get things done.

On a completely random side note, I'm watching an older movie with James Beluchi and Michael Caine (the gay fashion consultant from Miss Congeniality) and he has a perm. It looks kind of funny actually...

1 comment:

Karis said...

Hey, Karrie! So glad you've joined the world of blogging. :) If you click on the link on my blog that says "Unalakleet," you will find a list of others who also live in the village and blog about life in the bush. But I digress... I really didn't come on here to ramble more about how much I love it here, although we did take a hike into the snowy tundra this afternoon. :) ANYway, just wanted to be a commenter! Aren't they fun?? Looking forward to your emails. :)